WCH Counseling
- provide monthly social emotional learning lessons for each class in every grade K-5
System Support
- Coordinate/assist with state mandated STAAR testing
Coordinate district anti-bullying programs
- Coordinate character education
- Coordinate the mentor program
- Coordinate the high school PAL (peer assistance and leadership) program
- Coordinate PBIS (positive behavior intervention and support) campus initiative
Individual Planning
- Support/consult teachers and parents with students serviced through 504 and special services
- RTI (response to intervention) team member (plan/strategize for students at-risk with regard to academics, behavior and/or attendance)
- Consult/collaborate in creating behavior plans for students at school/home
Response Services
- Crisis counseling assist students with unexpected tragedy/loss/illness
- Individual counseling (limited to 5 sessions)
- Provide outside mental health community referrals/resources
- Small group counseling K-5 providing targeted support in areas such as social skills, self-esteem, loss, anger management etc.