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How do I communicate directly with the counselor?

  • Email
  • Direct phone 512-533-7589 (confidential voicemail)
  • School phone 512-533-7500
  • In person (if available) or you can leave a message to get an appointment scheduled

How do counselor referrals work?

  • Through the parent/guardian, classroom teacher and/or school staff member
  • Grades 2-5 students can self-refer and request to see the counselor with a referral form provided in main office and classroom
  • Students can only “formally” meet with the counselor 1-2x without prior parental consent (crisis excluded)

Can the counselor consult/collaborate with my child’s therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist for educational purposes?

  • Yes, as long as a consent to release confidential information form is requested, filled out, signed and returned