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WCHE Homepage Slideshow

This is a photo of LTHS Cav Football reading to WCHE 3rd graders
These are photos of tiger artists and artwork to be displayed at the EDC February 19 @ 6 pm
These are photos of Tiger artists with their works of art to be displayed at the EDC February 19 at 6 pm
This is a photo of Mrs. Dunn's 4th grade artists with their Zentangle heart designs.
This is a photo of Mrs. Wade's Kinder class in Mrs. Dunn's Art Class presenting their Valentine Panda artwork.
This is a graphic about black history month with pictures of notable persons
Tigers Celebrating Black History Month
This is a graphic of Earth being held by human hands.
Tiger Student Council collecting plastic bags March 3 thru April 4

Our Tiger Student Council has accepted the HEB Recycling Challenge.  Please help us to win the recycling contest by placing your plastic bags in our HEB bin in the front foyer of the school.  We are collecting any and all types of plastic bags March 3 thru April 4.



LT Specials Services Family Engagement Night, March 4, 5-730pm, HBMS
Meet our Special Services staff, gain insights into the ARD process and explore a variety of other helpful topics.
These are photos of Mrs. Dunn's 5th grade art class creating clay valentines in class.
WCHE Tiger Student Council make Valentines for children in hospitals on Valentines Day.
photos of Student Council making Valentines for sick kids
photos of Student Council making Valentines for sick children.
These are photos of students learning in our WCH Garden center
Thank you, Jennifer Deans, for making our day!
LTISD Job Fair; March 1, 9a-12p, Lake Travis HS, hiring all positions
Discover your future at LTISD!

Representatives from each department and campus may conduct onsite interviews. Learn more.

These are pictures of WCH students learning in our Garden Learning Center
Garden Dig Day - January 24, 2025
This is a photo of our WOW Board #8
Congratulations, WOW Board!

Thanks for being PAWSitive!

Tigers demonstrating PAWSitive behavior are nominated to have their names added to our WOW Board. WOW Board members are then eligible to win a fun brag tag and Buddy Pass. The Buddy Pass entitles each WOW Board member to enjoy lunch on the stage with a buddy of his/her choice.

This photo is of our WOW Board #8 Members. Congratulations, Tigers!

These are photos of 3rd graders' amazing artwork.
Mrs. Dunn's 3rd Grade Tiger Artists Display Amazing Art in our Hallways
These are photos of Officer Candoli with our Tigers
Tigers celebrate Officer Lou Candoli on National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, January 9, 2025
These are photos of artwork by WCHE 5th Graders
Amazing Art by Mrs. Dunn's 5th Grade Art Class
These are photos of students enjoying their ice cream treats/dance party to celebrate reading success.
Well done, Tigers! Read on!
This is a photo of the PTO Board and the new Tiger artwork.
WCH PTO Celebrates WCH's 10th Anniversary!

Pictured above left to right: Chelsa Williams, Membership; Cassie Anundson, President; Sarah McKay, Fundraising; Emily Williams, Volunteer Liaison; Michelle Amerson, Communications; Kate Lennox, Vice President; and Kristin Arnold, Staff Appreciation.

The West Cypress Hills PTO Board presented lovely Tiger artwork to West Cypress Hills Elementary January 9, 2025, in celebration of our 10th anniversary.  West Cypress Hills opened its doors to students August 2014.  Thank you, WCH PTO Board!

This is a photo of students playing parachute in Mrs. Hills Music Class.
photo of 5th graders playing boomwhackers to holiday music in Mrs. Hill's Music Class
This is a photo of students with pinatas celebrating Posada in Mrs. Hill's Music Class.
This is a photo of the WCHE 2024-25 classroom Spelling Bee Champions with Principal Russ and Bee Faculty Sponsor, Audry Ostrowski.
This is a photo of the WCHE 2024-25 spelling bee grand champions.  1st  Kanishk Mandalapu, 2nd Chloe Cain, 3rd Veda Kamisetti
These are photos of Ms. Berndlmaier with her students.
Math is fun in small groups!

Ms. Berndlmaier's Kindergarten students are working on decomposing numbers, writing equations, and composing 3 parts to make 1 whole.

This is a photo of the certificate that Blue Bell awarded Mrs. McDaniel's class and the letter that accompanied it.
Mrs. McDaniel's 4th Grade Class named honorary Blue Bell Ice Cream Innovators!

Mrs. McDaniel's class submitted creative flavor ideas to Blue Bell, and Blue Bell loved them!  Way to go!

These are photos of students readying and studying together.
All Tigers Work Together to be 1% Better Every Day
This is a photo of Ms. Clendennen's class with Tulley.  Their PAWSitive attitude means Tulley spends the week with them.
These are photos of LT Cav football players reading to Ms. Leopard's class who are all wearing Apex gear
LTHS Cavs & Apex are HUGE hits in Ms. Leopard's Class
These are photos of students & bus drivers practicing bus safety measure.
National School Bus Safety Week
These are photos of Ms. Wyatt and her GT classes at Electric Avenue.
GT/Discovery Classes Visit Electric Avenue

Ms. Wyatt's 3rd - 5th Grade Gifted & Talented classes enjoy a fun day of learning at Electric Avenue.

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At West Cypress Hills Elementary, we will cultivate a community which inspires and ignites a passion for life-long learning and positive world change.